Culture Compass Brazil

Typically Brazilian!

Our Culture Compass Brazil says:

“O Jeitinho”

This concept is the solution to all daily problems, cirvumventing social rules and conventions. It is a brazilian way to achieve own goals in breaking a rule while playing with emotions.

“Jogo de cintura”

The Brazilians expect flexibility in dealing with last-minute changes. The plan is considered for guidance only.

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Culture Compass Brazil: Attitudes and Norms.

Time management

Brazilians live in the present, here and now. The dates and schedule are not carved in stone.

Hierarchie und Führung

The leaders are considered a "benevolent father" in a hierarchy that is still very pronounced.

Le statut, l‘ étiquette und l‘humour

Status and etiquette are important in Brazil. Refusing invitations and gifts is insulting, as is saying no. There is always room for humor, even in difficult situations.

Culture Compass Brazil: Hints for Team-Leaders.

As a manager, it is important to maintain active communication with your employees, while keeping a certain distance. Too much closeness on the part of a superior can be interpreted as a weakness. It can also raise unrealistic hopes among employees, as private life and professional life are closely intertwined. The quality of relationships has a huge impact on employee performance and loyalty. Let your employees and partners know early enough what is particularly important to you. Whenever possible, use face-to-face communication or the telephone rather than email.

Cultural Dimensions (according to Hofstede).

Culture compass Brazil