Culture compass Japan

Typically Japanese!

“Yoroshigu onigai shimasu”

Courtesy when meeting strangers in our country, says Culture Compass Japan. It underscores the future mutual dependency of the interlocutors. Literally: “Please have mercy on me, I depend on you”.

“Deru kui wa utareru”

Literally, the nail that sticks out is hammered in. Everyone should act in the service of the group, woe to those who want to distinguish themselves individually!

Culture Compass Japan and Japanese traditional architecture

Attitudes and Norms.

Always act a team member

Japanese see themselves primarily as part of a whole. As individuals, they take a back seat.

Hierarchy and leadership

Loyalty and respect for superiors is the rule for employees. Open criticism leads to a loss of face for the criticized and is generally avoided.

Communication style

The Japanese always seek harmony and consensus. A direct “no” is hardly said.

Hints for Team-Leaders by Culture Compass Japan

The advantage of the constant search for consensus is that decisions are subsequently made by all employees. Exercising patience is therefore advisable. Important decisions are not made without consulting all the people involved. However, once they are accepted by everybody. If someone wants to push through a suggestion, informal persuasion must be carried out in addition to the formal route (lobbying). For the Japanese, status orientation means that everyone has their own place in the hierarchy. The hierarchy should be observed by everyone. It is therefore advisable to keep a certain distance from employees.

Cultural Dimensions (according to Hofstede).

Boussole Culturelle Japon - Diagramme des dimensions culturelles comparées

For deeper Insights into the Japanese culture access our study about Leadership and Management in Japan.