
Team development at all levels!

“Connecting cultures, managing transitions”

Wir advise, coach and train Teams and Individuals.

in English, German, or French

The development of new employee skills is an essential success factor in modern organizations. Our training program is the perfect answer to the rapid changes of the society.

An external perspective can bring to the surface what is often invisible to internal forces. We offer you competent advice for the design of change management processes and accompany them with moderation and other services.

where am I standing? Where should I go? are the ultimate questions that everyone asks themselves in life. And then follows: How can I achieve it? With our contextual coaching, coachees discover new ways of thinking and find their way .

Culture and communication determine the success or failure of international projects, partnerships and business. We would be delighted to clarify your concerns together and offer you a tailor-made, culture-specific solutions.

We are happy to support your projects and your teams.

Together we will find the optimal solution for your request. Contact us. Email: info@intermedio.ch or Tel: 043 499 99 40

Organizational Culture & Digital Transformation.

“Connecting cultures, managing transitions” is our slogan. In transformation projects, we support the transition to digital cultures with modern methods. Thanks to customer-centric advice and interdisciplinary knowledge, we are a reliable partner.

Team development  with Insights Discovery®.

As Insights® Discovery Practitioners, we help individuals and teams achieve their performance goals. Thanks to the individual personality profiles, team members are able to optimize their communication, which promotes team spirit. Insights Discovery® also offers specific modules for executives, project managers and sales people and more.

Insights discovery seminar participants
With mindfulness towards resilience - Meditation in Japanese temple

Mindfulness & Stress Prevention.

With mindfulness you optimize your resilience and learn to approach everyday life with serenity. Our MBSR 8-week course will lead you to this goal. You train mindfulness to promote conscious and constructive handling of stress in everyday life. The course is based on the original format of its founder, Jon-Kabat-Zinn. Alternatively, the seminar  “Calm and safe under stress”  also offers a valuable method for coping with stress.

Cross-Cultural Cooperation.

Wir sind selbst in vielen Kulturen zu Hause. Die Zusammenarbeit in international verteilten Teams weist eine hohe Komplexität auf. Allerdings bleibt diese oft unbewusst. Dabei werden Symptomen wie Konflikte und Leerläufe zwar erkannt, jedoch auf falsche Ursachen zurückgeführt. Ein gründliches Verständnis für solche Phänomene setzt interkulturelle Kompetenz voraus. Teamentwicklung im interkulturellen Setting gehört zu unserem Angebot. Wir beraten Sie unverbindlich.

We feel at home in many cultures ourselves. Working together in internationally distributed teams is extremely complex. However, this often remains unconscious. Symptoms such as conflicts and idling are recognized, but traced back to the wrong causes. A thorough understanding of such phenomena requires intercultural competence. Team development in an intercultural setting is part of our offer. We advise you without obligation.

Our Blog Topics.

Our blog articles mainly deal with topics related to the world of work such as organizational culture, intercultural cooperation and health in the workplace. We value your comments.

  • Achtsam aus Gewohnheit in der Gemeinschaft lernen

Mindful out of Habit

27. December 2023|Psychologie|

An experienced meditation or MBSR teacher can accompany you through this critical time and help you understand your difficulties in meditation. Your exercises will get easier and you will progressively become mindful our of habit.

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Our Mission.

Intermedio focuses on the development of competencies in all areas where individuals and teams are at work. Our expertise includes change management, organizational culture, team development, (intercultural) communication, performance optimization and stress prevention. In change projects we help organizations with advice, planning, organization and moderation of personnel events as well as team development. We rely on scientifically tested concepts and methods of work and organizational psychology. In the background of the application of such instruments is the magic triangle, which emphasizes the interactions between strategy, structure and culture of organizations. In the relationship with our customers, we prioritize loyalty, commitment and thoroughness.

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